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Writer's picturegscommunitykibv


Updated: Jun 4

Green building is necessary due to the significant impact that buildings and communities have on the environment, human health, and the economy. The statistics you provided clearly demonstrate the scale of this impact, including water consumption, waste generation, raw material use, carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, and electricity consumption.

Conventional practices in the building industry have far-reaching implications for various aspects. The clearing of land for development often leads to the destruction of wildlife habitats. Extracting, manufacturing, and transporting materials can result in pollution of water and air, the release of toxic chemicals, and the emission of greenhouse gases. Building operations require substantial amounts of energy and water, and they generate significant waste streams. Additionally, transportation associated with commuting and service provision contributes to harmful environmental effects, such as increased energy consumption and pollution from vehicles.

By embracing green building practices, we can mitigate the environmental damage caused by conventional approaches. Green buildings offer numerous benefits and can even enhance the health of the environment and the people who inhabit them. For example, a study by the New Buildings Institute found that average energy use intensities in green buildings are 24% lower compared to typical buildings.

Furthermore, the U.S. General Services Administration surveyed 12 green buildings in its portfolio and identified several savings and improvements, including:

  • 26% less energy usage

  • 27% higher levels of occupant satisfaction

  • 13% lower maintenance costs

  • 33% lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions

These findings demonstrate the positive impact that green buildings can have on energy efficiency, occupant well-being, cost savings, and environmental sustainability. By adopting green building practices, we can reduce our ecological footprint, preserve natural resources, improve air and water quality, and create healthier and more efficient spaces for people. Green building is a crucial step towards achieving a sustainable and resilient future.

According to the study, green buildings owned by the federal government surpass national averages in various performance areas, including energy efficiency, operating costs, water usage, occupant satisfaction, and carbon emissions. The agency conducting the study attributed this superior performance to the adoption of a fully integrated approach to sustainable design, which effectively addressed environmental concerns, financial considerations, and occupant satisfaction. It is important to note that this enhanced performance can be sustained over the lifetime of a building if the facility is also operated and maintained in a sustainable manner.

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